Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Our Little Missionary!
It was hard to let Bradon go, but we are so proud and excited for him. We love and miss him so much! But we are also grateful he is willing to serve the Lord!

Bradon the first day at the Mission home in Brazil

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Bradon's Mission to Fortaleza, Brazil

A lot of good things happened for Bradon during 2011. Bradon received his call in July, to the Brazil Fortaleza mission. He leaves Jan 10, 2012, flying on American Airlines to Dallas, and then to the mission training center in Sao Paulo. It has been a lot of preparation, especially for Bradon and his Mom.

Also during 2011, he graduated from high school, graduated from seminary, competed in Nationals ballroom dance competition, saw his friend Bryce Madden off on a mission to Philadelphia, applied for and was accepted to BYU Idaho, worked at Wild Waves, was promoted to Lead Life Guard and received the Golden Key award as Employee of the Year, worked for 24-Hr Fitness, received his Duty to God Award from Bishop Kevin Dueck, had his Eagle Scout Court of Honor together with Jordan Grisham, received his Patriarchal Blessing, was ordained an Elder by his Dad with Uncle Wayne and Ryan also there, and received his temple endowments in the Salt Lake Temple. We are proud of him.

Monday, January 2, 2012


Thanksgiving 2011 Midway Utah. What a wonderful time!!!!
Making gingerbread houses with the Grandkids

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dance Scholarship Awards

Chelsie received TWO dance scholarship awards this year! One to pay for her summer tour to Thailand and Vietnam and one for half tuition for 2011-2012 school year. It was extra special that she was able to receive the half tuition scholarship from her former coaches at PBD Brent and Katie Mecham. They are such wonderful people who have always been very much apart of Chelsie's life. We love them and are so grateful to have them be apart of our lives!!!! Thanks again Brent and Katie!

Bradon at Nationals 2011

Bradon had a great time this year at Nationals. PBD took 3rd in Standard and 6th in the Latin Formation. He also competed in Open Standard this year with Ashley Hudson. They looked great together. Kristene came and watched Bradon dance with Dominic and CC. It was good to see them. Thanks for coming and driving all that way to Provo Sis, you are so supportive!!! It is hard to believe this is Bradons last year!